Between 1990 and 1992 happened a reorientation of the company. The product range were reduced. Company shares were sold and new business fields were created.
Main Events of our History
Between 1990 and 1992 happened a reorientation of the company. The product range were reduced. Company shares were sold and new business fields were created.
1992 was the foundation’s year of “FROLYT Kondensatoren und Bauelemente GmbH”. The essential company parts were bought from the Treuhandanstalt as part of a management-buy-out, and three business fields were adopted: aluminum-electrolytic-capacitors, special machines and assembly of power supply equipment for mobil- and landlines.
The “VEB Kondensatorenwerk Freiberg” have produced not just radial and axial aluminum-electrolytic-capacitors, but also high capacitive aluminum-electrolytic-capacitors and tantalum-capacitors.
Founded in 1947 as “Elektroindustriewerk Freiberg”, the company started with the manufacturing of paper-capacitors.